Thursday, 18 August 2011

What if...

A level results day has got me thinking. Two years ago, I was fortunate enough to have no worries as I’d received an unconditional sholarship to Aberystwyth uni. I had personal reasons for wanting to move far away and the offer of 1000 pounds meant I was happy to settle for the small town. I guess I feared failure. I convinced myself I was better suited to a small town uni, being from one myself, rather than going for some where new, vibrant and exciting. 
Aberystywth uni is a very respectable uni and with entry grades of BBB you have to be reasonably intelligent to go there. It’s got an obscene amount of pubs but only two nightclubs. One is a tiny, grubby place full of tits and chavs, the other is much nicer but no one ever seems willing to pay for quality. I couldn’t be more sick of hearing students gush about “the aber bubble” and claiming they forget there’s a world outside the town. It makes me ever so claustrophobic.There are times I wish I’d tried for the uni’s I really wanted rather than take the easy route. I’d had my heart set on Bath or Bristol. I had applied to read literature and had been accepted and I was intending to do the GDL (a law conversion course) afterwards. I'm not sure why I am moaning about chavvy night clubs. My main beef with the uni is the crap the Law department has put us through and the fact I've met some proper arses there. I assumed a small, friendly town would have friendly people. Don't get me wrong, most of the people I know are lovely, especially the law students, it's almost like we have a bond- the bond of depression and hardship. But there have been some people who have managed to ruin the uni experience for me and make me loose my faith in humanity. So I guess that's why I'm so bitter about the place. I shouldn't be anymore though, i'm moving back to uni halls and so these people will be a distant memory come september. Perhaps i'll review the place in October with a more positive spin.
But I can’t complain, law at Aberystwyth is hard enough as it is. I met my wonderful boyfriend there and I’ve had some good times. I can imagine if I went somewhere more exciting I’d be partying too hard too study. I’ll be moving to either Chester or Bristol next year to do the Legal practise course so I will get a student life in a more vibrant environment, a taste of it at least. I'll probably realise it's not for me and then long for the quiet seaside town. 

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