Thursday, 11 August 2011

TV overdose: Franklin & Bash

I guess in a nutshell this is lawyers do scrubs. However, it's less slapstick than our favourite hospital drama. This doesn't mean it's not a thoroughly enjoyable show. It's not received spectacular accolades and  it's a rather slow burner, you don't instantly warm to the characters and it doesn't really make sense how two lawyers who rarely win cases, suddenly join a big firm and start winning every single one. But it's been renewed for another series and I genuinely believe it can only get better. I've only watched the first four or five episodes so far, but with each one I've started to warm to the characters and been able to enjoy the show a whole lot more, and this will undoubtedly grow as the show progresses.

Franklin & Bash. Bash is the sexier one.

I was determined to enjoy this show, so I'm glad I persisted. As a law student I seem to have developed Stockholm syndrome and I've learnt to love my oppressor, the oppressor being the law and anything to do with it. I love drama's and books about the study and practice of law. I usually hate on most characters though for being successful, perhaps once I'm actually qualified this ferocious and incessant detest for young, pretty blonde lawyers with top class degrees and a jag will fade. But the fact it was two goofy male lawyer, one being rather dishy, I felt the show had potential to tame the green monster within. So I went onto 4OD and watched the pilot whilst working out on my cross trainer- watching tv helps ease the pain of exercise and makes time go faster. 

I'll give you a run down on who's who.
Jared Franklin, the bolshy, overly confident lawyer, who's main game is to party hard and take on the occasional case. His dad is a highly successful trial lawyer but Jared refuses to work for him. His mannerisms in court are rather unconventional, for example downing beer or encouraging Bash to make out with the client in front of the jury- but they inevitably work.  
Peter Bash, Franklin's best friend and legal partner. He is more mature than Franklin but also tastier. He's much more appreciative of his place in such a large firm and tries a little harder to not get fired, unlike Franklin. He does however still fawn over his ex, who is clearly a douche. 
Stanton Infeld, the eccentric, yet easy-going senior partner of a major law firm. He's very into Chinese & Japanese culture. He see's a spark in Franklin and Bash that more serious staff do not. He appreciated their unconventional techniques and is impressed by them and also by the way they care more about justice than making money. I guess his firm has become so established as a corporation it's loss the fundamental and initial purpose of the firm.
Damien Karp, Stanton's nephew and also a lawyer there. He's rather jealous of Franklin and Bash' rappour with his uncle and cannot quite fathom why Stanton hires them. He is a traditional lawyer and prefers the mature approach to the practice. However he's not always completely clean, he's willing to pay and bride witness' and basically screw people over. However there are times when you think he would warm the F&B eventually. He's probably a lonely sod with no friends. He dreams of being a judge one day but this is unlikely since a video of him masterbating went viral. 
There is also Carmen Phillips, an ex-convict who works for Franklin and Bash and Pindar Singh, an agoraphobic nerd also working for F&B. 

Basically Franklin and Bash party hard and work, relatively hard. They have a strong sense of justice rather than corruption- which is a refreshing change from how lawyers are usually presented in the media. Their wacky and unconventional methods perhaps should be more elaborated as the show goes on as it has such potential to be an outstanding comedy. I'll continue to watch and hope that one day, I too have a hot tub on my decking with fairy lights and parties every night. 

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