Most people I know have been seriously disappointed by this episode, however, I feel people are forgetting it wasn't a complete final, this was the mid series finale, there is obviously going to be unanswered questions to make you wait on the edge of your seat until Dr Who returns to our screens. I found this episode to be a compelling watch, it was a dark, psychological exploration of the Doctor, which delved further than Davies had ever dared to go. Although Davies lightly touched on the Doctor being perceived a a "fears warrior" the surface was never really scratched. Moffat has been waiting 16 years to give the word "Doctor" a new angle, it was a morally contentious and reflective episode.
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The highlights of the episode include the hilarious moment when the Doctor was being interrogated as to where little Melody was conceived. "I know how you blush" his painful embarrassment and cluelessness was pant wetting material. And the moment when it turned out the Melody Amy has been protecting and hugging was actually a ganger and she suddenly dissolved into gooey flash- this produced the finest acting from Karen we have yet to see, I actually felt pangs of sadness for her, or perhaps I'm being all broody and maternal myself... don't tell the boyfriend. But the way she cried over a litre of yogurt really did pull the strings of my cold heart.
The big moment came, we finally found out who bloody River Song is. And it turns out that she is Melody Pond. This had been suggested to me but I'd tried to ignore this horrible accusation and as the terrible truth dawned on me I found all my broodiness for the baby dissolve almost as quickly as the ganger did and now all I feel is resentment for that baby. She will become the worlds most annoying plank ever.
Now although I wholeheartedly loved this episode, It was highly flawed and left many loose ends and unanswered questions, if this was a two part episode I could cope with it, but I have to keep telling myself that these questions will be answered when the show returns, but I have a small niggling feeling that some of them wont be. Many of the characters were completely pointless. We had a lesbian lizard that killed Jack the Ripper and an emasculated Sontaran nurse. For some reason Rory was dressed as a centurion and seriously, what was the point of the Thin Fat Gay Married Anglican Marines if you're just going to behead one of them and subsequently forget about them? Such conundrums meant little empathy or emotion was developed over the Doctors army, when they died I really felt nothing because I was that confused as to their purpose. Moffat has single handed abused all the established rules of time, dimensions, paradox and time lines within this episode alone. Furthermore, it's either a case of bad scripting or lack of communication between Davies and Moffat but if River Song is a time lord and can regenerate, why did she die when we first met her? Is it possible we will get to see a younger, different actress play River Song? Preferably one with less tendencies to look smug 24/7. Thankfully the ridiculous quotes such as "spoilers" or "hello sweetie" are becoming few and far in between. Is Amy effectively the Doctor's mother-in-law? There fore Dr Who has gone all Dorian Gray on us and smooched both mother and daughter. This also means that, presumably, Amy tried to shoot her child at the end of The Impossible Astronaut. It's all a bit chaotic.
Can we assume that River Song was the astronaut which killed the Doctor? RiverSong did once say she killed the greatest man she ever knew and she's obviously got a fetish for dressing up in space suits. However, since most girls think of their father as the greatest man they ever knew, could Rory be about to get it all over again? This is a most unconventional family, I couldn't feel happy for any of them, and it's not just my incessant hatred for River Song. It just felt wrong what with her being so much older than her respective parents. You couldn't feel any emotion during this poignant moment. I mean what must be running through Amy's head? something along the lines of "my daughter is a total slut".
I cannot wait for Dr Who to return, "Let's Kill Hitler" sounds promising already. I can only hope that River Song gets less annoying the younger she's technically getting as it seems she's going to be around a long long time. Something has got to be done about Rory as he's just being a wet fish, unwanted third wheel that the writers cannot find anything useful to do with him but have no good reason to kill him off. He needs more direction and purpose.
In the Library episode, while the tenth doctor is arguing with river about his plan, she insinuates that the whole memory lending thing he wanted to do, would kill him while simultaneously destroying his ability to regenerate...something about burning out both of his hearts, presumably it would do the same to her, so that could be why she died...or maybe - wouldn't it be cool if the little girl wasn't river, but river and the doctor's offspring! I mean, lesbian lizard lady specifically raised the point of whether the baby could regenerate...what if she can't, what if she's just the first step in making a new Timelord?
ReplyDeleteQuite a truthful and well constructed review (ever thought of journalism?) I agree entirely, it was about time Karen Gillan upped her game in terms of her acting skills and this episode was where it all happened. i anxiously await the continuation, as quite regrettably Doctor Who has been the highlight of my Saturday nights for a while now. Perhaps now i shall be able to get a life in the wait of it's continuation...
ReplyDeleteThank you. I did consider journalism before embarking on my law degree. Perhaps I could be the next BabyBarrista? :D I no longer know what to do on a saturday. I'll probably just sit in my room crying over the empty slot...