I haven't posted for a week, there is good reason behind this, it's exam period and I'm too busy stuffing my brain full of covenants, easements, conveyancing etc to have the time to blog about anything remotely interesting. Well I did get a little too drunk with my study buddy, we thought wine would help the covenants go down better but we ended up dancing around her room and harassing people on the seafront. But besides from that I cannot remember enough of the night to talk about it.
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Amy Pond, looking peng. |
What I will say is this, I enjoyed this episode much more than last weeks. The episode opens with Super massive Black Hole by Muse, and suddenly you find yourself in an intergalactic Coronation Street, domestic bliss, Amy and Rory playing darts whilst the Doctor continues to surreptitiously scan Amy's uterus. And then we are transported to a Bruce Willis movie, asides from that, anyone who has seen the trailer has seen enough to know the fundamental storyline. The most disappointing part of the episode was that the "cliffhanger" was something we were already expecting, from last weeks teasers it showed the ganger Doctor and therefore I was left feeling slightly deflated. I can only assume the writers lost heart when they realised this would be aired on the day of rapture and therefore no one would ever see it. But it's like when you're on the edge of your seat wondering who is the baddie, then you hear the formidable "exterminate" and you just feel let down.
It was a quintessential and almost "textbook" Dr Who episode. Set in claustrophobic isolation, a small cast enemies within, a dangerous environment, science turned against humanity and the ultimate question: who is the real monster? I cannot lie, my favourite part was the Doctors mickey take out of Northerners. As a patriotic Southerner it rather tickled my possum. Also Amy Pond looked exceptionally pretty, she's got the "glowing pregnancy thing" going on.
The biggest shocker was the revelation that Rory is a man whore. His new found lust for some fleshy floozy means the writers may have found a way to write Rory out the script (thus allowing the Doctor to get Amy up the duffer) without having to kill him off- again. It would be nice for Rory to find someone who appreciates him finally, and to not have him die for the millionth time, like I said last week, each time he dies so does my empathy. And that was the other major plot twist, Rory did not die, what a refreshing change. Once again I am elated at the no show of River Song. I despise that woman.
All in all, it was a good episode, it felt like a proper Dr Who again, which is odd when you consider the fact there were no aliens in this episode. Although the writers need to leave some mystery in the trailers, if it were not for the fact so much was shown last week, I think this would have been considered a very memorable episode. They really need to be more careful with the spoilers, and perhaps write out anyone who overuses the phrase "spoilers"? please?
The trailer for next weeks episode "the almost people" does leave alot more to the imagination. I'm excited to see how the mindless (yet occasionally faceless young ganger) will sexually assault Rory and more importantly it will be interesting to see the ganger Doctor. The last time we had a time lord double (oh David Tennant) it induced many illicit sex dreams, not just for Captain Jack, but for the entire female population, not excluding myself. So having two Matt Smith's on screen at the same time will probably have a similar effect. I do not believe these theories that the ganger doctor is the one that died, for a start this episode was written by a guest writer, and such a significant development in the overall plot line cannot be written by a guest. I still maintain the little girl is vital to that plot, and the crazy pirate lady (which for some reason Amy keeps neglecting to tell the Doctor about..)
I guess it's time to get back to the law of co ownership. Oh the joys.