Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Zumba: Fitness Overdose!

Dance has always been a huge passion of mine. I started ballet when I was 3 and quit my dance school (which is the same one Billie Piper went to- there's my name drop for the day!) when I was about 17, but continued to demand dancing parts in my RAFTA stage club pantomimes until I left for uni. My biggest regret is quitting dance, my first year of uni I found myself battling with weight. However since the summer holidays after loosing about 1 and 1/2 stone, I am now a healthy 8st 10, I was determined to take up some sort of dance again to keep it off. However, I was most disappointed to find the ballet class at Aberystywth Arts centre was for advance standard only- I might have done ballet all my life but I would never consider myself "advanced" and having been out the game 3 years I was very reluctant. So I began an aerobics ballet based class. This has been great fun but I wanted to try something a bit more adventurous and more technical, so when a friend from my revision study group asked if I wanted to try Zumba I was pretty keen...

Zumba Fitness is a Latin-inspired dance-fitness program, you basically dance ferociously to club music, gyrate, jump, samba and sweat bucket loads whilst over the enthusiastic class leaders tell you "you look so sexy girls" but you can't help feeling no man will touch you with your lobster coloured faces and more sweaty than a greasy sumo wrestler post match. It was fantastic fun, I swear I gained abs within an hour! I would recommend it highly to anyone who wants a good aerobics work out. It is quite daunting at first, the coaches do not go through the dance moves prior to blasting the yoko's- worthy tunes, so you just have to watch and copy as you go along, which ends up with you inevitably ballsing up and making a total tit of yourself, but the sports hall was so crazy packed the laws of probability suggest I wasn't the only one.

So in conclusion, I have nothing to criticise. I thoroughly enjoyed it and will be going again  this thursday. Hopefully this time I'll look less like a lumberjack and more like a latin goddess... ha.

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